When it comes to buying a home, Xers, Boomers, and Matures all plan to stay in their current home as long as possible, while Millennials plan to purchase their next or first home within the next 2-5 years.
Buy or Stay?

When it comes to buying a home, Xers, Boomers, and Matures all plan to stay in their current home as long as possible, while Millennials plan to purchase their next or first home within the next 2-5 years.
Strong seasonal price increases made it harder for Californians to purchase a home in the second quarter of 2016.
Generation X may be the smallest generation, and sandwiched between two mammoth generations, but as this savvy and pragmatic cohort reaches their peak earning years, their long-awaited moment in the spotlight is approaching.
At 77 million strong, baby boomers are expected to continue to have a major impact on the housing market for years to come, and builders are closely paying attention to what they want in their homes.
They may make up only 9% of the current population and have a median disposable income of just $21,251, but they know what they want and it’s not a nursing home. As Matures – those born before 1946 – enter
When you buy a fixer-upper house, you can save a ton of money, or get yourself in a financial fix. Trying to decide whether to buy a fixer-upper house? Follow these seven steps, and you’ll know how much you can
Access to public transit is important, and Americans of all ages are willing to pay more to live where cars are not necessary. Here’s who’s willing to pay more for better transit options:
Minimum annual income required to purchase hits six digits for first time since Great Recession, allowing only 31% of households able to afford a California home. Percentage of households who can afford to buy a median-priced home.
When it comes to purchasing a home, school districts and proximity of house to school are ruling the home search for parents.
Those with a vested interest are more likely to care about their local community. Potential buyers are more about their local community and feel they should do more within the community.